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Rurality Newsletter - All Rustic News
August 15, 2022

What a busy summer I've had! Not a lot of relaxation going on here. Moving across an entire continent can do that. Hopefully, one day soon, I'll be setting up my crafting studio and getting down to work on some crafts. I won't have all my stuff until next spring, so it will be a challenge to work with what I have.

August 15 2022

What are you up to? Do you need some summer projects ? There are lots of easy and fun things you can make, and if you're collecting sticks or driftwood from the beach, why not make a rustic potting bench ? The free plans are right here .

Make sure you share your progress, and if you run into a snag, don't worry! Just send me a note, and tell me where you're stuck.

Don't forget; if you have questions about any other rustic craft, ask away! Reply to this email, or use the contact link in the footer of every page on this site. Want even more inspiration? Visit the Rustic Garden Art DIY Blog for all updated and new pages on the website.
I hope you've enjoyed this issue of Rurality Newsletter. Now get crafting! contact.html
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