How To Be Creative Guide

Free Guide to unlocking your creativity

Here's a little guide to help unlock your creativity - after all, that's what I'm all about.  Fill in the form below with your name and email address - you can unsubscribe at any time if you don't wish to get more stuff in your inbox;

How to be Creative Guide

This guide is encouragement, wisdom and may help prod your muse into putting in an appearance. 

Just because we have the genetic background to solve problems, get ideas and stay inspired, doesn't mean it's easy.  

Our ancestors would have been in trouble if they didn't have good problem solving skills, and luckily they've passed that gene down to us.

Sometimes innovation needs a boost to get it working properly. 

It's all very well to go into the dollar store or craft store and pick up a paint-by-numbers kit, but that's not exactly creativity. 

The best and most satisfying way to use this type of kit is to take it and run with it and make it completely unique.

This would mean painting it in different colours than what they supply on the kit, using the painting to make something else with, like a box or just the lid to a box, or re-imagining it in some other way, such as using it as the base for a multi media masterpiece.

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Join the over 1300 3400 3520 4064 other people who want to take their creativity to the next level - or just want the permission to do so!

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Free How To Be Creative Guide

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