
Flights Of Fancy & Things With Wings

Birds have long been one of my favorite motifs, and having a super cute chicken house called the Eggporeum just made it even more so. This collection is just an example of what I'll have in my booth at the craft market.


I collected a lot of chicken and bird related objects, such as resin roosters, bird cages, nests, eggs and the like, and displayed them at the front of the hen shed.

Now I no longer have chickens or a chicken house, but the love of birds of all kinds stays with me. I was invited to have a booth at a craft sale at a chicken farm, so my mind took me to a place where everything is chicken or bird themed.

Some of the things I want to display are wooden signs with chicken pictures, with funny sayings.

I know a fantastic stained glass artist, so I asked her if she would like to create a special line of sun catchers for me, with island topics like light houses, shells, and the like. 

Another graphic artist I know might be interested in creating a set of bird themed cards for me to sell. In fact, this expanded to include all kinds of other types of cards, with insects, flowers and fairies.

Besides all that, I want to create some of my little nests with the tiny eggs (oval beads). I specifically planted my hedge with russet buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), the best for making the nests as it's so flexible.

I'm sure I can find some bird cages to make vignettes in. Maybe some of my husbands carvings could be added too.

Other things that fit with the same theme are anything with wings; butterflies, angels and cherubs, dragonflies and so on.

I purchased a good selection of small metal pieces with keys, wings, cogs like those in watches and clocks, butterflies and other bugs, as well as jewelry making findings, jump rings and lobster claw catches among them, and some chain.  I might try my hand at some necklaces, or use them for window decor like suncatchers.

Mixed media art is always a possibility too, using paper, textiles, metal pieces salvaged from lamps for instance, combined with the little cogs and decorative bits and bobs to make something else - so fun!


Cherubim are a favorite theme too. 

I have two little shelves with cherub heads, and a candle holder with two cherubs playing musical instruments.  A little paint, rubbed off from the most prominent parts, and they'll be rustic enough.

Angels, Pegasus, unicorns, dragons and anything else fanciful and mythical can be adapted in Birdobelia. If all goes according to plan, there will be a good display of winged items for sale at the market.

Some of the crafts I plan to make will be punny signs about chickens, with painted and embellished rustic barnboard.  The paint will be acrylic, as that's been the best so far for weather proof ability.

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