Life in Miniature

Tiny Gardens, Doll Houses and Landscapes

There is a fascination with all things miniature, and it's not new.  I remember as a young child making moss gardens and visiting entire tiny villages that barely reached my waist, complete with thatched roof cottages.

Life in Miniature

If you have the overwhelming compulsion to make your world in small scale models, you're not alone. 

Gardeners are intrigued with fairy gardens and include little bridges, patios and pergolas.

Terra cotta pots of all sizes are no longer discarded when they break - instead, they're made into whimsical and appealing little scenes, like the one below;

Terra Cotta Fairy Garden

Miniature scenes are built in a shallow dish with moss as the main character;

Miniature moss garden - a tiny streambed less than a foot square...

Doll house miniatures can be built from twigs or other discarded bits and pieces. 

I built a tiny porch so that it can be decorated for the season with tiny blankets on a twig chair, baskets and boxes of fruit and tiny fire logs.  The chimney was only the first part of the project - more to follow;

Dollhouse Miniature Projects - the chimney

If you're fascinated by looking at life through a magnifying glass, join the club.  There are so many ways to emphasize the tiny, making fairy gardens is only one.

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