Stacked Rocks

Easy Garden Accents

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When all you have are rocks, pebbles and stones, find a way to use them for garden art.  I have lots of small flattish rocks that are formed by the action of frost on the bigger rocks, flaking off small pieces which then become weathered and worn.


These are only about four or five inches tall - you can make them out of rugged rustic rocks like these, or smooth flat pebbles from a shoreline. 

Each will give you a unique feature for your garden.

These are simple to make - first, collect your pebbles or stones, and make sure they're dry and dust free. 

I used a wire brush to clean them, but you could just leave them where they'll be washed by rain.

Rocks ready to stack

Figure out which rocks go best with the base, which is much larger to prevent the finished stack from toppling over.

Stack the rocks starting with a larger one for a base

I aimed for a pyramid shape but I've seen these where they start small, and have a bulge in the middle.  Smooth pebbles used this way make great rock stacks.

Permatex Clear Adhesive

I used Permatex 80050 Clear RTV Silicone Adhesive Sealant, 3 oz. It claims to be suitable for outside use, and is also quite thick, which is necessary if the stones are rough surfaced. It's held up well under my winters, which are cold and snowy.

Five Stacked Rocks

For now, these will stay on the table until they're cured - the glue says that full curing of the silicone adhesive will take 24 hours.

Stacked rocks waiting for their final homes

Next time I go to the river, I'll be looking for some smooth pebbles and make some more with those.

When the grand boys came to visit, they made these lovely spires - the freshet when the river floods in the spring will knock them over, but until then, we can enjoy them.


Meanwhile, the little glued together stacks will accent planters or garden beds or line a walkway.

I've seen inukshuk or stacked rocks high in the alpine, alongside highways or in very unlikely places. People love the challenge of making rocks balance on top of each other.

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