You May Be a Hillbilly

by Suzanna
(The Holler)

Music is the lifeblood of a hillbilly

Music is the lifeblood of a hillbilly

You may be a hillbilly if the things that make you glow are simple and easy to find; those glimmers of early morning mist, the fireflies in the garden at twilight, laughter of friends.

People laugh at the way I live – they call me a hillbilly.

Nothing’s changed – they used to laugh at my funny accent when I first moved here from England.

I like the way I live. I heat my nasty old trailer with a wood stove, with only a little backup heat from two electric baseboard heaters.

I cook hearty meals for my man and try to use organic or homegrown vegetables.

I have a root cellar built into the hillside, and I make funky twiggy stuff out of materials that grow right here on the homeplace.

I make accents out of found objects, and rusty stuff that comes from the dump. I grow brightly coloured flowers, and trade or collect my own seed from family and friends.

I make homemade wine and pickles from my own fruit and vegetables, and if I’m really lucky, someone gives me moose or deer meat that they’ve hunted themselves.

I consider myself fortunate, because I know a lot of people that started off like me, but ended up living in an apartment in a city, working for some hardnosed business tycoon who doesn’t give a heck for any of the people who work their butts off for the puny paychecque that he writes.

Been there, done that, thank you very much!

I’d like to see the world change into something much friendlier, kinder and easier to find ways to keep the earth from self destructing.
I like being a hillbilly, if that’s what I am. I think I’ll just stay this way.

Come on by if you’re in the holler, and we’ll have a swig of homemade wine!

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