Garden Art Sign

Illustrating the Possibilities

As an example of what I'm all about, I built this Garden Art Sign.  When you have an imagination, it's important to let those less creative see what can be done with a bit of aged and weathered barn board, and some bits of rusty salvage.

Garden Art Sign

Building this sign was fun. 

I searched through all my junk for things that were the right shape to make into a letter. The 'A' was a trigger for the search, but I didn't find any others that were made of wood.

Some wood carved ones added to the mix, and things like rusty bolts, screws, hooks and even the handle off a hibachi barbecue found a spot.

The handle was eventually retrieved for another project, but I replaced it with part of a broken truck spring.

Rustic salvage made into a creative sign

All the pieces have been attached with screws, or nails so they are firmly in place.  The odd piece, such as the all-metal c-clamp below, was wired on.

A'C' clamp makes a perfect 'G'
Hibachi handle for an 'E'
Attached with twisted wire and roofing nails

The various pieces were attached with rusty drywall screws, wire cut into lengths and twisted on the ends and nailed on, or by using fencing staples in two sizes.

Rustic sign saying Garden Art spelled out in implementsRustic Garden Art Sign

I really enjoyed the process of making this sign. It might be hard to read initially, but once you explain it, people get it.

I would love to pass it along to someone else who will make things to sell, for other people to put into their garden.

The ideal new owner of this sign will be creative, maybe thinking of starting their own little business.  They could certainly use it as a header on their website, as a logo.

When you're making something like this, think outside the box.  And, have fun!

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