Rural Living

The Country Life is the Life for Me!

What do I love about living in the country? Is it the immediacy and intimacy of living in nature’s pocket?

Seeing the cycles and rhythms close up and personal; noting when the wisdom of the animal residents tells them to close down for a while until conditions improve, or when it’s time to court, mate or breed?


I take great satisfaction and pride in being included in their secret rituals.

I note when the wild creatures tell me that spring isn’t far off – an early, warm spring maybe.

They discuss this by their actions; the vixen coming into her heat cycle that much earlier, in mid January instead of two or three weeks later, like usual.

The Northern Pygmy Owls start singing their courtship song a week or two sooner than normal.

The drumming of a Pileated Woodpecker long before the first warm days of spring informs me of his intentions to win a lady woodpecker, and raise a nest full of baby woodpeckers to carry on his work of finding and destroying the Mountain Pine Beetle larvae in the pine trees.

Where I am now, in Atlantic Canada, the results of a catastrophic hurricane, Fiona, are evident even now, several years later.

It would be impossible to clean up all the downed trees. Doing your own property might be doable, but honestly? There are thousands of acres of now inaccessible bush.

That's okay. In ten years, or twenty, mother nature will have tackled the worst of it. We may have wildfires to deal with, or an influx of some beetle or other that will gnaw on all the blowdown.

Patience is a watch word of rural living. You need to stand back and observe, not leap in and maybe make things worse. Do your homework and research to make sure your next steps make sense, across the board.

jacki-december-22-2024-2.jpgJacki, your rustic craft concierge

Do you love rusticating with some crafting activities that are fun and totally unique?

Then you'll love the Hillbilly Outhouse Coloring Pages. I drew these hilarious old sheds with some ideas of how to use them - what you do with them is up to you.

They're free to download for my visitors - if you don't already belong to the email group, sign up now for updates of what I'm up to in my new location in Prince Edward Island.

With snow on the ground, and chilly nights, it’s easy to dismiss the signs as aberrations, but those that live close to nature may recognize them as indisputable evidence of a changing climate. You get  a front row seat for the floods, windstorms and other global warming warnings.

But rural living has many advantages, not least of which is the peace and tranquility.

It’s all relative, as there is activity, busyness, and life going on all around with birds and animals interacting.

Even if it seems quiet, stay still for a few minutes and watch; the animals are also watching you.

Another positive aspect to living rurally is access to crafting materials; sea shells, twigs, branches and all kinds of other supplies from mother nature, right at your doorstep.

I've planted several different varieties of willows, along with some other shrubs like red osier dogwood, russet buffaloberry and a few others that I like for crafting. It might take a while until they're big enough, until then I'll enjoy the process and watching their growth. Each year they will just get better and better.

Do you live in the country?

...or always wished you did? Tell me about your dream of rural living. What kinds of things are important to you in your country life?

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