Salvaged Galvanized Bucket

Yet Another Life

I'm a huge fan of salvaging things to give them another chance to shine.

Salvaged Galvanized Bucket

This old, crushed galvanized bucket, wired together to help hold the bail in place, was something I grabbed on my journey, but never did anything with it - until now.

The top view of the salvaged galvanized bucketThe top view of the salvaged galvanized bucket

I think it must have been run over by a tractor, after it was done doing its job to deliver grain or water to the chickens on the farm.

The side view of the old bucketThe side view of the old bucket

My inspiration was from a flattened bucket that I saw  years ago, planted with succulents.  Someone had found it, loved it and took it home.

What is it that's so appealing about this tin can, squashed, left out to rust and rot away that makes us want to rescue it?

This old bucket had been left to languish in Boot Hill, the cactus garden, for years. 

When we dumped the soil out of it, ants swarmed out too!  We left it for a bit, to make sure it was clear of ants, before bringing it to the work bench.

Inspecting the old bucket to see where to hit it nextInspecting the old bucket to see where to hit it next

Then the sledge hammer got to work, to flatten it out a bit.  Then the magic happened - the wire around the top of the bucket wouldn't flatten out, so it's now going to be completely unique.

The finished galvanized bucket, hanging on the houseThe finished galvanized bucket, hanging on the house

I planted a few of my cuttings in it - one is a Carmine Wave petunia, and the other one is a pink Callibrachoa, or Million Bells. 

In time, they will both cascade down the wall, where the bucket is hanging under a window.

Pink Callibrachoa - Million BellsPink Callibrachoa - Million Bells

There's not a lot of soil in it, so it will need regular watering - no rain hits it, because it's protected by the eaves. 

I used potting soil that has a water holding polymer, so the plants won't get too dry, and the soil won't wash away when it gets watered.

Petunia Carmine WavePetunia Carmine Wave

This project is kind of similar to the oil can planter that I made several years ago (which I sold, stupidly!).  Now I can enjoy this old bucket instead.

For the winter, I will display shells, driftwood, twigs and other natural items  such as pine cones, maybe some greenery in it. 

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